대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

The Oratorio Anthology - Tenor for Voice and Piano




출판사 Schirmer, G.
포인트 1,000
상품상태 재고보유

The Oratorio Anthology - Tenor for Voice and Piano

**** 곡에따라 Violin파트보 또는 Flute 파트악보가 같이 수록되어있습니다. 페이지 파본 아닙니다.

Ach, mein Sinn from St. John Passion (Bach)

Behold, and see if there be any sorrow; But Thou didst leave His soul in hell from Messiah (Handel)

Benedictus from Mass in B minor (Bach)

Comfort ye, my people; Ev`ry valley shall be exalted from Messiah (Handel)

Cujus animam from Stabat Mater (Rossini)

Deposuit potentes from Magnificat (Bach)

Domine Deus from Missa Solennelle (Rossini)

Domine, ego credidi from Christmas Oratorio (Saint-Saens)

Fac me cruce custodiri from Stabat Mater (Haydn)

Frohe Hirten, eilt, ach eilet from Christmas Oratorio (Bach)

Geduld, Geduld from St. Matthew Passion (Bach)

Gentle airs, melodious strains! from Athalia (Handel)

Gratias agimus tibi from Messa di Gloria (Puccini)

Hier steht der Wand`rer nun from The Seasons (Haydn)

If with all your hearts from Elijah (Mendelssohn)

Ingemisco from Messa di Requiem (Verdi)

Meine Seele ist erschuttert from Christ on the Mount of Olives (Beethoven)

Mit Wurd` und Hoheit angetan from the Creation (Haydn)

Peccator videbit from Beatus Vir (Vivaldi)

Quia fecit mihi magna from Magnificat (C.P.E. Bach)

Sanctus from St. Cecilia Mass (Gounod)

Sei getreu bis in den Tod from St. Paul (Mendelssohn)

Sound an alarm! from Judas Maccabæus (Handel)

Strikke des Todes from Hymn of Praise (Mendelssohn)

Te ergo quæsumus from Te Deum Laudamus (Bruckner)

The enemy said from Israel in Egypt (Handel)

Then shall the righteous shine forth from Elijah (Mendelssohn)

Thou shalt break them from Messiah (Handel)

Total eclipse from Samson (Handel)

Waft her, angels from Jephtha (Handel)

편곡자 Walters, R

작곡가 Bach,Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)

Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759)



Haydn, Joseph (1732-1809)


Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847)

Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901)

Beethoven, Ludwig Van (1770-1827)

Vivaldi, Antonio

Gounod, Charles (1818-1893)

Bruckner, Anton (1824-1896)

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714-1788)
