대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

The Oratorio Anthology - Baritone/Bass for Voice and Piano




출판사 Schirmer, G.
포인트 1,300
상품상태 재고보유

The Oratorio Anthology - Baritone/Bass for Voice and Piano


Arm, arm, ye brave! from Judas Maccab″us (Handel)

Behold the monstrous human beast from Belshazzar (Handel)

Betrache, meine Seel` from St. John Passion (Bach)

Confutatis from Messa di Requiem (Verdi)

Crucifixus from MESSA DI GLORIA (Puccini)

Erblikke hier, betorter Mensch from The Seasons (Haydn)

Et in Spiritum sanctum from Mass in B minor (Bach)

Fecit potentiam from Magnificat (C.P.E. Bach)

For behold, darkness shall cover the earth; The people that walked in darkness from Messiah (Handel)

For the mountains shall depart from Elijah (Mendelssohn)

Gerne will ich mich bequemen from St. Matthew Passion (Bach)

Gott sei mir gnadig from St. Paul (Mendelssohn)

Grosser Herr und starker Konig from Christmas Oratorio (Bach)

Honor and arms from Samson (Handel)

Hostias from Requiem (Faure)

Is not his word like a fire? from Elijah (Mendelssohn)

It is enough! from Elijah (Mendelssohn)

Komm, susses Kreuz from St. Matthew Passion (Bach)

Lord God of Abraham from Elijah (Mendelssohn)

Mache dich, mein Herze, rein from St. Matthew Passion (Bach)

Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel from The Creation (Haydn)

O misere des rois! from L`Enfance du Christ (Berlioz)

Pro peccatis from Stabat Mater (Rossini)

Quia fecit mihi magna from Magnificat (Bach)

Quoniam to solus sanctus from Messe Solennelle (Rossini)

Revenge, Timotheus cries from Alexander`s Feast (Handel)

Rollend in schaumenden Wellen from The Creation (Haydn)

Schon eilet froh der Akkermann from The Seasons (Haydn)

See the raging flames arise from Joshua (Handel)

HANDEL - The trumpet shall sound from MESSIAH

Thus saith the Lord; But who may abide from Messiah (Handel)

Thy glorious deeds inspir`d my tongue from Samson (Handel)

Why do the nations from Messiah (Handel)

편곡자 Walters, R

작곡가 Bach,Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)

Berlioz, Hector (1803-1869)

Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759)

Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901)


Haydn, Joseph (1732-1809)

Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847)

Faure, Gabriel (1845-1924)


Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714-1788)
