Happy Present Meet
Griffes Poem for Flute and Piano
One of the standard repetoire pieces written by an American composer; revised edition which corrects many errors and mismarkings in earlier releases.
미국 작곡가가 쓴 표준 repetoire 곡 중 하나. 이전 버전의 많은 오류 및 불일치를 수정 한 개정판
작곡가 Griffes,Charles Tomnson
에디터 Monroe, Ervin
Muczynski Sonata Op.14 for Flute and Piano
Hindemith Sonata (1936) for Flute and Piano
Copland Duo for Flute and Piano
그라우트의 서양음악사 제7판 (상) History of western music
그라우트의 서양음악사 제7판 (하) History of western music
Copland Duo for Flute and Piano
Clarke Curves for 3 Flutes and Piano (2012)