Happy Present Meet
Liszt 5 Mephisto Waltzes - Mephisto Polka for Piano Solo
리스트 메피스토 왈츠
Preface by Kaczmarczyk Adrienne
Edited by Sulyok Imre, Mező Imre
Separate editions from the New Liszt Complete Critical Edition
1. Erster Mephisto-Walzer - Episode (Der Tanz in der Dorfschenke) aus Lenaus Faust
R 181, SW/SH 514, NG2 A189
2. Zweiter Mephisto-Walzer
R 182, SW/SH 515, NG2 A288
3. Dritter Mephisto-Walzer
R 38, SW/SH 216, NG2 A325
4. Vierter Mephisto-Walzer
R 661, SW 696, SH 216b, NG2 A337
5. Bagatelle ohne Tonart - Vierter Mephisto-Walzer
R 60c, SW/SH 216a, NG2 A338
6. Mephisto-Polka
R 39, SW/SH 217. NG2 A317
작곡가 Liszt, Franz (1811-1886)
에디터 Sulyok, Imre
Imre, Mezo
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