Happy Present Meet
Schubert Ave Maria for Trumpet and Piano
편곡자 Oliver,Julian
작곡가 Schubert,Franz(1797-1828)
그라우트의 서양음악사 제7판 (상) History of western music
그라우트의 서양음악사 제7판 (하) History of western music
Classics A to Z: 서양음악의 이해 (3판 : CD4장포함)
Gliere Concerto for Trumpet and Piano
Ewazen Variations And Fugue On a Theme by Brahms for Trumpet and piano
Bellstedt Napoli for Trumpet and Piano (SS310)
Gaubert Cantabile et Scherzetto for Trumpet and Piano
Clarke From the Shores of the Mighty Pacific for Trumpet and piano
English Suite Transcribed for B-Flat Trumpet (or Cornet) and Piano