Happy Present Meet
Larsen Barn Dances for Flute, Clarinet, and Piano
Published: 18 March 2004
Duration: 13 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Table of Contents
Forward Six and Fall Back Eight
Divide the Ring
Varsouvianna (a simple dream waltz)
Rattlesnake Twist
Barn Dances is a set of four abstract pieces drawing their titles from the name of a particular dance step used in cowboy dances. Taking the name of the step as a point of departure, Larsen`s idea was to take a flight of fancy in each movement and to create the musical equivalent of a character drawing. Thus this lively set encompasses various styles including hoedown jig, swing, and a waltz. Suitable for concert use by conservatory students and accomplished school musicians.
Difficulty: Easy
작곡가 Larsen, Libby