Happy Present Meet
Schott Master Class Cello with DVD (2 DVDs)
author: Maria Kliegel
collaboration: Wolfgang Birtel
producer: Kultur.Medien.Konzepte. - Wolf Seesemann
Mit Technik und Fantasie zum kunstlerischen Ausdruck
Publisher: Schott Music
Edition: edition with DVD - 2 DVDs
Language: German
Edition description: mit zahlreichen Notenbeispielen
192 Pages - Hardback/Hard Cover
Das Buch:
Quintessenz 1
I Geographie des Griffbretts
I.1) 4-Finger-Positionen
I.2) 3-Finger-Positionen
I.3) Daumenpositionen
I.4) Aufgaben der einzelnen Finger
II Die linke Hand
II.1) Touch
II.2) Handstellung und Fingergelenke
II.3) Fingerfuhrung
II.4) Vibrato
II.5) Triller
III Intervalle in Klang und Griff
III.1) Inneres Vorweghoren und Reaktion des außeren Gehors
III.2) Topographische und klingende Intervalle
III.3) Die Daumenlage bei großen Intervallsprungen
IV Bogenarm und Klanggestaltung
V Lagenwechsel
V.1) Der vorbereitete Lagenwechsel
V.2) Der verspatete Lagenwechsel
V.3) Varianten des vorbereiteten Lagenwechsels
V.4) Kombination von vorbereitetem und verspatetem Lagenwechsel
VI Sinnvolles Uben
VI.1) Probleme erkennen
VI.2) Geographisches und physiologisch sinnvolles Uben
VI.3) Langsames Uben
VI.4) Entspannung
VII Im Olymp
Die DVDs
Quintessenz 2 und 3
Inhalt der DVDs
Die Fotos der Slideshow
Impressum der DVDs
Ubungen von Janos Starker
Register der zitierten Beispiele
The number of methods and etude collections existing for violoncello is huge. But what to do when no teacher is on the spot to explain why a certain passage of the concerto simply would not work out? The renowned cellist Maria Kliegel pioneers a whole new way: her experience and knowledge have been summed up to constitute the `quintessence`. In the book, she explains in great detail technical problems, stating examples from the repertoire. On the DVD she demonstrates the correct technique, giving tips on how to master famous passages from the concert literature and on effective practising. A must for the advanced instrumentalist who looks for answers to special questions or who has always wanted to know how to overcome such technical hurdles.
The Master Class series was awarded the special prize digita 2007 for new developments which can change and further learning with new media. The convincing editing of the learning content by renowned experts and the unobtrusive media design of the videos provide the reader ? no matter whether students, advanced singers or interested amateurs ? with numerous suggestions on a high level. Thanks to the exercises and examples of interpretation filmed in live action and processed digitally, performers are given excellent support.