대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Sweelinck Complete Organ and Keyboard Works, Volume IV.1: Variations on Song and Dance Tunes




출판사 Barenreiter
포인트 2,100
상품상태 재고보유

Complete Organ and Keyboard Works, Volume IV.1: Variations on Song and Dance Tunes



Editionstechnik und Auffuhrungspraxis

Bemerkungen zu den Werken



Editorial Method and Performance Practice

Commentary on the Works

Faksimiles - Facsimiles

Variationen gesicherter Authentizitat (Teil 1) / Variations of Certain

Authenticity (Part 1):

V 1 Balleth. del granduca in G

V 2 Esce mars. in C

V 3 Ich fuhr mich vber Rheinne. in a

V 4 Mein Junges Leben hat ein Endt in d

V 5 Paduana Lachrimae collorirt in a

V 6a Pavana Hispanica in g (J. P. Sweelinck & S. Scheidt)

V 6a Paduana. Hispania. in g (J. P. Sweelinck & S. Scheidt)

V 7 Pavan Philippi in G

Variationen ungesicherter Authentizitat / Variations of Uncertain


V 11 Allemande de chapelle in C

V 12 Bergamasca. in G

V 13 Malle Sijmen in d

V 14 Passomeza. a 4 Voc[i] in G

Kritischer Bericht - Critical Commentary

편곡자 Rampe.S

작곡가 Sweelinck,Jan Pieterzoon