대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Essay on the true art of playing keyboard instruments




출판사 W.W. Norton
포인트 2,300
상품상태 재고보유

Essay on the true art of playing keyboard instruments

C.P.E Bach, J.S Bach`s second son, was a musician`s musician, whose influence on his fellow artists was far reachin. This eminet position was won in part by his famous treatise entitled ESSAY ON THE TRUE ART OF PLAYING KEYBOARD INSTRUMENTS.

This work not only presents the best deyboard method of the eighteenth century but is a compendium of the entire practice of music in the times of Frederick the Great. It laid down principles derived from the "Old Bach," Johann Sebastian, in such a manner that it became the foundation for all the subsequent works of Clementi, Cramer, and Hummel.

This treatise is indispensable for every wll-informed musician and music-lover, whether pianist, singer or conductor , for in it are explained in great detail all the technical and aesthetic precepts of the music of the mid eighteenth century. The labyrinth of eighteenth century ornamentation is explained.

The chapters on the realization of the figured improvisation and on countless other aspects of actual music making are notable for their authenticity and authority.

The True art is a "Classic" of musical literature in the true sense of the word. The many ramifications of Bach`s comprehensive essay have been neatly explained and annotated in a manner that makes the Essay a valuable reference work and an interesting venture in musical literature and history.

저자 Bach C.P.E.