Happy Present Meet
[특가상품] Sixty Irish Songs for High Voice and Piano
Table of Contents for Sixty Irish Songs for High Voice
"All in the morning early, O!"
At dawning of the day
Avenging and bright
Barney O`Hea
Believe me if all those endearing young charms
"Blatherskite, The"
Bright darling of my heart (A mhuirnin geal mo chroidhe)
"Broken Song, A"
By the Lakes of Killarney
"Curse of Mora, The"
"Dawing of the day, The"
Down by the sally gardens
Ere the long roll of the ages end (Fainne geal an lae)
Farewell to Sliev Morna
For Ireland
"Harp that once through Tara`s halls, The"
Has sorrow thy young days shaded?
"Heather glen, The"
I heard in the night the pigeons
I love my love in the morning
I love the din of beating drums
If I were King of Ireland
"Lark in the clear air, The"
"Last rose of summer, The"
"Leprehaun, The"
Little Mary Cassidy
"Little red lark, The"
"Love is cruel, love is sweet"
Love`s young dream
"Low-backed car, The"
Maura dhu of Ballyshannon
May eve
"Minstrel boy, The"
Mo Bouchaleen bwee (My yellow-haired lad)
My fair love leaving me
My little Kerry cow
My love`s an arbutus
"Nelly, my love, and me"
"Ninepenny fidel, The"
Oh! if I were yon gossamer
"Ould plaid shawl, The"
Over the hills and far away
"Passing of the Gael, The (They are going, going, going)"
"Piper, A"
"Sedges, The"
Shule Agra
"Silent, O Moyle, be the roar of thy water"
"Snowy-breasted Pearl, The"
"Song of Glenann, A"
Soontree (A lullaby)
"Sword of Light hath pierced the dark, A (Mo Chraoibhin Cno)"
"Time for love, The"
"Voice of the sea, The"
"Wearing of the Green, The"
We`re wearin` av the green
When she answered me her voice was low
When the West Wind blows
"Wind from the West, The"
"Wind that shakes the barley,The"
Would God I were the tender apple blossom
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