대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

[특가상품] Album of Sacred Songs for High Voice and Piano




출판사 Schirmer, G.
포인트 400
상품상태 재고보유

[특가상품] Album of Sacred Songs for High Voice and Piano


Agnus Dei (Bizet)

Arioso from 100th Psalm (Jadassohn)

Babylon (Watson)

Be Near Me Still (Hiller)

Calvary (Rodney)

Come Unto Me (Coenen)

The Cross of Calvary (Gounod)

The Good Shepherd (Barri)

Hear My Prayer (Mendelssohn/Spicker)

He That Keepeth Israel (Schlosser)

His Salvation is Nigh Them That Fear Him (Bennett)

I will Extol Thee, O Lord (Costa)

Jerusalem (Parker)

Jesu, Lover of My Soul (Tours)

Lead, Kindly Light (Pinsuti)

The Lord`s Prayer (Krebs)

O Divine Redeemer (Gounod)

The Peace of God (Gounod)

One Sweetly Solemn Thought (Ambrose)

Save me, O God (Randegger)

Sion (Rodney)

Thou, O Lord, Art My Protector (Saint-Saens).

작곡가 Various

Bizet, Georges (1838-1875)

Jadassohn, Solomon (1831-1902)

Watson, Michael

Hiller, Ferdinand

Rodney, Paul

Coenen, Willem

Gounod, Charles (1818-1893)

Barri, O

Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847)

Schlosser, A

Bennett, William sterndale (1816-1875)

Costa, Michael

Parker, Henry

Tours, Berthold

Pinsuti, Ciro

Krebs, C

Ambrose, R. S.

Randegger, A
