대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

In 27 Pieces: The Hilary Hahn Encores for Violin and Piano




출판사 Boosey & Hawkes
포인트 2,500
상품상태 재고보유

In 27 Pieces: The Hilary Hahn Encores for Violin and Piano

Years in preparation, The Hilary Hahn Encores presents the 27 works from 27 composers written for the 2013 CD of the same title. The publication has been closely edited by Hilary Hahn.

Ms. Hahn writes, “I was intrigued by the future of the genre and how composers might wish to redefine the form. When I pictured a novel set of favorite miniatures catching on ? pieces crafted by today`s minds ? the idea of a commissioned-encores project planted itself in my head.”

Twenty-six composers of various ages and nationalities agreed to create pieces for the project, following the guidelines set forth. “I gave them two parameters: each piece should be under five minutes and for acoustic violin and piano.” The twenty-seventh work came from a competition, with more than four hundred entries which were reviewed by Ms. Hahn through a blind process before one piece was chosen.

“Every one of these encores was fresh, free of interpretive tradition, and each spoke a different language. My initial process was full of trial and error. I broke down techniques and phrases until I understood them on the most fundamental levels. Often, I was pushed well past my limits. As the music came into its own, however, the pieces metamorphosed into brilliant, powerful, scintillating, beautiful works of art. They compelled me to discover new layers of expression.”

Included are composer biographies and commentary from each composer about her or his encore.


Franghiz Ali-Zadeh (b. 1947) Impulse

Somei Satoh (b. 1947) Bifu (Breeze)

Du Yun (b. 1977) When a Tiger Meets a Rosa Rugosa

David Lang (b. 1957) light moving

Bun-Ching Lam (b. 1954) Solitude d`automne

Paul Moravec (b. 1957) Blue Fiddle

Anton Garcia Abril (b. 1933) Tercer Suspiro (Third Sigh)

Avner Dorman (b. 1975) Memory Games

David Del Tredici (b. 1937) Farewell

Mason Bates (b. 1977) Ford`s Farm

Einojuhani Rautavaara (1928-2016) Whispering

Gillian Whitehead b. (1941) Torua

Richard Barrett (b. 1959) shade

Jennifer Higdon (b. 1962) Echo Dash

Christos Hatzis (b. 1953) Coming To

Jeff Myers (b. 1977) The Angry Birds of Kauai

Mark-Anthony Turnage (b. 1960) Hilary`s Hoedown

Valentin Silvestrov (b. 1937) Two Pieces

Kala Ramnath (b. 1967) Aalap and Tarana

Lera Auerbach (b. 1973) Speak, Memory

Tina Davidson (b. 1952) Blue Curve of the Earth

Elliott Sharp (b. 1951) Storm of the Eye

Michiru Oshima (b. 1961) Memories

James Newton Howard (b. 1951) 133...At Least.

Nico Muhly (b. 1981) Two Voices

Soren Nils Eichberg (b. 1973) Levitation

Max Richter (b. 1966) Mercy

작곡가 Various

Ali-Zadeh, Franghiz

Satoh, Somei

Du Yun

Lang, David

Lam, Bun-Ching


Abril, Anton Gracia

Dorman, Avner

Tredici , David Del

Bates, Mason

Rautavaara, E

Whitehead, Gillian

Barrett, Richard

Higdon Jennifer

Hatzis, Christos

Myers, Jeff

Turnage, Mark-Anthony

Silvestrov, Valentin

Ramnath, Kala

Auerbach, Lera

Davidson, Tina

Sharp, Elliott

Oshima, Michiru

Howard, James Newton

Muhly, Nico

Eichberg, Soren Nils

Richter, Max

에디터 Hahn, Hilary