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Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Boosey & Hawkes Opera Anthology - Soprano




출판사 Boosey & Hawkes
포인트 1,700
상품상태 재고보유

Boosey & Hawkes Opera Anthology - Soprano

This landmark publication collects arias and role excerpts from operas by John Adams, Benjamin Britten, Carlisle Floyd, Richard Strauss, and many other composers published by Boosey & Hawkes. Includes extensive plot notes and translations. The soprano volume also includes ten arias for coloratura.


J. Adams: Am I In Your Light? (Doctor Atomic)

J. Adams: I Don`t Daydream (Nixon In China)

J. Adams: I Am The Wife Of Mao Tsetung (Nixon In China)

D. Argento: The Widow`s Aria (The Boor)

D. Argento: Though Absent From These Ears And Eyes (Casanova`s Homecoming)

D. Argento: Virginia`s Aria (The Voyage Of Edgar Allan Poe)

D. Argento: I See In You A Looking Glass (Miss Havisham`s Fire)

D. Argento: Lady With A Hand Mirror Aria (Postcard From Morocco)

J. Beeson: Aurelia`s Aria (My Father Was A Tenor)

L. Bernstein: Mommy, Are You Here (Dede`s Aria)

L. Bernstein: Glitter And Be Gay (Candide)

B. Britten: I`m Full Of Happiness (Albert Herring)

B. Britten: Miss Wordsworth`s Aria (My Heart Leaps Up With Joy) (Albert Herring)

B. Britten: The Dressing-Table Song (Gloriana)

B. Britten: The Queen`s Dilemma (Gloriana)

B. Britten: Injurious Hermia (A Midsummer Night`s Dream)

B. Britten: Let Her Among You Without Fault (Peter Grimes)

B. Britten: Embroidery Aria (Peter Grimes)

B. Britten: How Beautiful It Is (The Turn of the Screw)

B. Britten: Lost In My Labyrinth (The Turn of the Screw)

B. Britten: Come, Now A Roundel (A Midsummer Night`s Dream)

B. Britten: Be Kind And Courteous (A Midsummer Night`s Dream)

A. Copland: Laurie`s Song (The Tender Land)

C. Floyd: Rented Rooms (Cold Sassy Tree)

C. Floyd: Curley`s Wife`s Aria (He`s Always Left When I`ve Just Come) (Of Mice And Men)

C. Floyd: Ain`t It A Pretty Night! (Susannah)

C. Floyd: The Trees On The Mountains (Susannah)

C. Floyd: I`ve Dreamt In My Life (Wuthering Heights)

J. Gay (realised by B. Britten): I`m Like A Skiff On The Ocean Tossed (The Beggar`s Opera)

J. Gay (realised by B. Britten): When Young At The Bar...Ungrateful Macheath! (The Beggar`s Opera)

H. Purcell (realized by B. Britten and I. Holst):Oft She Visits This Lov`d Mountain (Dido and Aeneas)

H. Purcell (realized by B. Britten and I. Holst):Thanks To These Lonesome Vales (Dido and Aeneas)

S. Rachmaninoff: Francesca`s Aria (Francesca da Rimini)

N. Rorem: Emily`s Aria (Our Town)

R. Strauss: Das War Sehr Gut, Mandryka (Arabella)

R. Strauss: Es gibt ein Reich (Ariadne auf Naxos)

R. Strauss: Kein Andres, Das Mir So Im Herzen Loht (Final Scene) (Capriccio)

R. Strauss: Da Geht Er Hin (The Marschallin`s Monologue) (Der Rosenkavalier)

R. Strauss: Die Wiener Herrn Verstehn Sich (Arabella)

R. Strauss: Großmatige Prinzessin (Ariadne auf Naxos)

I. Stravinsky: No Word From Tom...I Go To Him (The Rake`s Progress)

I. Stravinsky: Chanson Du Rossignol (Song Of The Nightingale) (Le Rossignol)

작곡가 Various

Adams, John

Argento, Dominick

Beeson, Jack

Bernstein, L(1918-1990)

Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976)

Copland, Aaron (1900-1990)

Floyd, Carlisle

Gay, John

Purcell, Henry(1659-1695)

Rachmaninoff, Sergei(1873-1943)

Rorem, N

Strauss, Richard (1864-1949)

Stravinsky, Igor (1882-1971)

에디터 Walters, Richard