대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

The Best of Niccolo Paganini - 38 Pieces for Guitar Solo




출판사 Max Eschig
포인트 1,100
상품상태 재고없음

The Best of Niccolo Paganini - 38 Pieces for Guitar Solo

Difficulty: Intermediate

Sonata 4

Sonata 10

Sonata 11

Sonata 13

Sonata 15

Sonata 16

Sonata 17

Sonata 21

Sonata 22

Sonata 23

Sonata 24

Sonata 25

Sonata 29

Sonata 30

Sonata 33

Sonata 34

Sonata 35

Sonata 36

Sonata 37


Sonatine 4



Grand Sonata


The legendary Genovese violinist Niccolo Paganini (Genoa, 27 October 1782 ? Nice, 27 May 1840) was probably the only great composer of the past to show a constant interest in the guitar and, although he never played the instrument in public concerts, a number of testimonies to his ability as a guitarist have come down to us. For the Genovese maestro the guitar constituted the harmonic and accompanying instrument par excellence, so much so that in his music it occupied the role normally entrusted by composers of his era to the piano. Paganini wrote 140 compositions for solo guitar and almost all his works for strings (mainly for violin: sonatas, duets, trios, quartets and even someconcertos for violin and orchestra) were conceived with accompaniment by guitar.

The selection of pieces is based on the idea of extracting from this disparate mass the works that best represent the spirit and originality of Paganini.

Today, to render this music accessible to any interpreter, it is necessary to supplement it with a polyphonic realisation of the parts: this edition adheres to the style of the Viennese publishers in the era of Mauro Giuliani, or, in other words, it writes the high and low voices separately, grouping all the harmonic fillings on these two principal voices. With this type of notation, moreover, it is necessary to apply all the performance practices in use between the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century.

작곡가 Paganini, Niccolo(1782-1840)

에디터 Zigante, Frederic