Happy Present Meet
Orff Piano Book
Easy Pieces and Arrangements from "Carmina Burana", "Klavierubung", "Musik fur Kinder", "Der Mond" und "Die Bernauerin"
From "Klavierubung" (1934)
Two Frenck Songs (I saw the wolf, the fox and the hare; That was Anne of Britanny)
Dear Mother, it`s getting dark
Peace in the Hand of God
Aeolian Pieces
On Christmas Eve
The Cuckoo has fallen to its Death
Changing Meter Dances
The Fairy Tale of Teeny-Flea and Weeny-Louse
Selected Pieces
Dance of the Farmers in the Tavern
Ha, There`s the Moon!
Fishermen in Barges
Agnes Bernauerin, Your Wretched Death
Fortune plango vulnera
Veris leta facies
Ecce gratum
The Orff Piano Book is intended to bring the pianist closer to the special style, to simplicity, precision and beauty of the music of Carl Orff. Easy pieces and arrangements from "Carmina Burana", "Klavierübung", "Musik für Kinder", "Der Mond" and "Die Bernauerin"
작곡가 Orff, Carl
에디터 Regner, Hermann