대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Morris 4 Personalities for Oboe and Piano




출판사 TrevCo Music
포인트 1,200
상품상태 재고없음

Morris 4 Personalities for Oboe and Piano

Morris Four Personalities for Oboe and Piano

I. Yellow

II. White

III. Blue

IV. Red

This title is a four-movement work based on the Hartman personality test.

?Yellow: Yellow is fun-loving. The joy that comes from doing something just for the sake of doing it is what motivates and drives yellow.

?White; White is peacekeeper. White is kind, adaptable, and a good listener. Though motivated by peace, white struggles with indecisiveness.

?Blue: Blue brings great gifts of service, loyalty, sincerity, and thoughtfulness. Intimacy, creating relationships, and having purpose is what motivates and drives blue.

?Red: Motivated by power, red is aggressive and assertive. Red is visionary confident, and proactive.

Highly creative, tuneful, and inventive writing. The first movement alone, written in a jazzy style, will win you over! A wonderful new addition to the oboe repertoire of the 21st century.

작곡가 Morris, Alyssa