대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Stamp / Wiener How to play James Stamp`s Warm-ups




출판사 Editions-Bim
포인트 800
상품상태 재고보유

Stamp / Wiener How to play James Stamp`s Warm-ups

trumpet and other brass instruments

Language English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

Publication year 1997/2004

A true path

I remained in the US for a year and returned during consecutive summers to see him again. All in all I had more than a hundred lessons; today I feel the need to share what I experienced.

I’m aware that trying to do so amounts to a near- impossibility and that teaching of such richness, based upon warm and attentive listening to the student can be properly transmitted only in person. Nevertheless I hope that my message - which is not a thesis, but a simple memento - may contribute to the perpetuation of James Stamp’s teaching.

In this first installment I review some of the basic principles of his teaching. In the next installment I offer a commentary and explanation of the ≪Warm ups + Studies≫ published by Editions BIM in order to help players use them optimally and obtain maximum benefit.

작곡가 Stamp, James

Wiener, Jean-Christophe