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Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Verdi - Lovreglio Fantasia La Traviata for Clarinet and Piano




출판사 Chester Music
포인트 1,000
상품상태 재고없음

Verdi - Lovreglio Fantasia La Traviata for Clarinet and Piano

The nineteenth century saw an enthusuasm for Italian opera which live performance could never satisfy. In the absence of gramophone and radio the instrumental transcription flourished, and composers, often themselves virtuoso performers, found in the most popular arias ready material for their own sets of variations. Here is an outstanding example:

Donato Lovreglio (1841-1907)played the flute and composed many pieces for his own instrument, mainly operatic fantasias, as well as a few for the clarinet. In Fantasia On The Opera `La Traviata` he demonstrates his remarkable ability to write variations, which, whilst providing a dazzling display of notes, nevertheless remain faithful to the character of the Verdi arias which inspired them.

작곡가 Lovreglio, Donato

Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901)