대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Liebermann Complete Nocturnes for Piano Solo




출판사 Theodore Presser Company
포인트 1,900
상품상태 재고없음

Liebermann Complete Nocturnes for Piano Solo



Nocturne No.1 Op.20

Nocturne No.2 Op.31

Nocturne No.3 Op.35

Nocturne No.4 Op.38

Nocturne No.5 Op.55

Nocturne No.6 Op.62

Nocturne No.7 Op.65

Nocturne No.8 Op.85

Nocturne No.9 Op.97

Nocturne No.10 Op.99

Nocturne No.11 Op.112

Since the composition of Nocturne No. 1 in 1986, Liebermann has added ten more that are destined to become staples of the piano repertoire.

Theodore Presser Company now publishes all eleven Nocturnes as a ?complete collection in a handsome volume.

"Liebermann`s contributions to the repertoire are at turns magical, poetic, shimmering, and ethereal; these dream-like qualities contrast with a sense of uneasiness that perhaps hints at a pervasive sadness and an underlying diabolical, nightmarish quality - a juxtaposition achieved by the distinctive harmonic palette that characterizes his music."

- Ann DuHamel, University of Minnesota-Morris

작곡가 Liebermann, Lowell