Happy Present Meet
Chilcott Canticles of Light for Vocal Score
Te lucis ante terminum
Forces or Category: Children`s choir, SATB, orchestra/tubular bells & organ
Published: 07 September 2000
Duration: 15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy - Moderately Difficult
Table of Contents
Te lucis ante terminum
Christe, qui, splendor et dies
O nata lux de lumine
for children`s choir, mixed choir and orchestra or tubular bells and organ
A dark and beautiful, yet also extremely approachable, work in three movements. The first two are darker in character: evening hymns that ask for protection and comfort through the night. The music lightens for the final hymn, a song for the morning that looks forward to a new beginning.
작곡가 Chilcott, Bob
Chilcott Missa `Cantate` for SATB and optional piano
Chilcott Requiem SATB Vocal Score
Bach Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 for Full Score
[특가상품] Bach Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 for Vocal Score
Rossini Messa di Gloria for Vocal Score
Cherubini Requiem D minor (Vocal Score)
Cherubini Requiem (Missa pro defunctis) in C minor (Vocal Score)
Gounod Messe Solennelle (St Caecelien Messe) (Full Score)