대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Lidarti Trio F major for 3 flutes




출판사 Zimmermann Musikverlag
포인트 600
상품상태 재고없음

Lidarti Trio F major for 3 flutes

Trio F major (Delius)

Lidarti was born in Vienna in 1730. Biographical notes unanimously report that he originally devoted himself to philosophy, while his uncle reproached him of being an amateur in the musical domain. It is above all his instrumental works, surviving in printed and handwritten form, which show that he succeeded in holding his own as a composer. With good reason, Tagliavini (in MGG) and Salvetti (in NGroove) praise his cantable and counterpuntal-fugal as characteristic features of his style.The edition of the trio presented here for the first time in printed form is based on a manuscript from the Fondo Venturi.

작곡가 Lidarti,Christiano Giuseppe

에디터 Delius, Nikolaus