Happy Present Meet
Alexander Elegy (for left hand alone) for Piano Solo
Even though the left hand alone is featured in this beautiful "Andante Espressivo" piece, the artist will be playing above the center of the keyboard as well as below. It is set in D Major with a predominantly eighth note rhythm and a very legato, sustained flow, nicely balanced between melody and accompaniment.
작곡가 Alexander,Dennis
Alexander Prelude and Toccata for Piano Solo
Alexander 24 Character Preludes for Piano Solo
Alexander Nocturnes Vol.1 for Piano Solo
Alexander Toccatas Vol.2 for Piano Solo
Alexander Toccata Tempestosa for Piano Solo
Schulhoff Dritte Suite for Piano (left hand)
Moszkowski 12 Etudes for the left hand Op.92 for Piano Solo
Janacek Capriccio for Piano Left Hand and Wind Ensemble (Score nad Parts)