대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Paganini 24 Sonatas for Violin and Guitar, Vol.2 (Sonaten opera V, VI)




출판사 Zimmermann Musikverlag
포인트 900
상품상태 재고보유

Paganini 24 Sonatas for Violin and Guitar, Vol.2 (Sonaten opera V, VI)

With these sonatas, Paganini, equally familiar with both the violin and the guitar, composed short, melodic pieces with various movements, some of which consist of only a few bars. Despite their brevity, the pieces are quite demanding.

6 "Lucca" Sonatas (Opera V) M.S.12

6 "Lucca" Sonatas (Opera VI) M.S.13

작곡가 Paganini,Niccolo(1782-1840)

에디터 Schumacher,Kurt