대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Love and Longing - Dvorak, Ravel, Mahler: Songs / Magdalena Kozena




출판사 Universal Music
포인트 300
상품상태 재고보유

Love and Longing - Dvorak, Ravel, Mahler: Songs / Magdalena Kozena

작 곡 가 : Antonin Dvorak, Maurice Ravel, Gustav Mahler

연 주 자 : Magdalena Kozena(Mezzo-Soprano), Berlin Philharmoniker, Simon Rattlel(Conductor)

악 기 : Vocal

제 작 사 : Universal Music

레 이 블 : Deutsche Grammophon

미 디 어 : CD

수 입 구 분 : 수입

1. Biblical Songs, Op.99 : Oblak a mrakota jest vukol neho (Antonin Dvorak)

2. Biblical Songs, Op.99 : Skryse ma a paveza ma Ty jsi (Antonin Dvorak)

3. Biblical Songs, Op.99 : Slys, o Boze, slys modlitbu mou (Antonin Dvorak)

4. Biblical Songs, Op.99 : Hospodin jest muj pastyr (Antonin Dvorak)

5. Biblical Songs, Op.99 : Boze! Boze! pisen novou (Antonin Dvorak)

6. Biblical Songs, Op.99 : Slys, o Boze, volani me (Antonin Dvorak)

7. Biblical Songs, Op.99 : Pri rekach babylonskych (Psalm 136) (Antonin Dvorak)

8. Biblical Songs, Op.99 : Popatriz na mne a smiluj se nade mnou (Antonin Dvorak)

9. Biblical Songs, Op.99 : Pozdvihuji oci svych k horam (Antonin Dvorak)

10. Biblical Songs, Op.99 : Zpivejte Hospodinu pisen novou (Antonin Dvorak)

11. Sheherazade : Asie (Maurice Ravel)

12. Sheherazade : La Flute enchantee (Maurice Ravel)

13. Sheherazade : L`Indifferent (Maurice Ravel)

14. Ruckert-Lieder : Liebst du um Schonheit (Gustav Mahler)

15. Ruckert-Lieder : Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder (Gustav Mahler)

16. Ruckert-Lieder : Um Mitternacht (Gustav Mahler)

17. Ruckert-Lieder : Ich atmet` einen linden Duft (Gustav Mahler)

18. Ruckert-Lieder : Ich bin der welt abhanden gekommen (Gustav Mahler)

* Live Recording

보컬 Kozena, Magdalena

지휘자 Rattle, Simon

작곡가 Dvorak, Antonin


Mahler, Gustav (1860-1911)


음반사 Deutsche Grammophon

오케스트라 Berliner Philharmoniker