대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Bartok Mikrokosmos for Piano 3 - New Definitive Edition




출판사 Budapest, E. M. (EMB)
포인트 800
상품상태 재고없음

Bartok Mikrokosmos for Piano 3 - New Definitive Edition

Instrument: Piano

Genre: Pedagogical performance pieces

Language: Hungarian, English, German, French

First published: 1951


67. Thirds against a Single Voice

68. Hungarian Dance

69. Study in Chords

70. Melody against double Notes

71. Thirds

72. Dragons` Dance

73. Sixths and Triads

74. Hungarian Matchmaking Song

75. Triplets

76. In Three Parts

77. Little Study

78. Five-tone Scale

79. Hommage a J. S. B.

80. Hommage a R. Sch.

81. Wandering

82. Scherzo

83. Melody with Interruptions

84. Merriment

85. Broken Chords

86. Two Major Pentachords

87. Variations

88. Duet for Pipes

89. In Four Parts (1)

90. In Russian Style

91. Chromatic Invention (1)

92. Chromatic Invention (2)

93. In Four Parts (2)

94. Once Upon a Time...

95. Fox Song

96. Jolts

작곡가 Bartok, Bela (1881-1945)