Happy Present Meet
하늘의 찬양 (피아노트리오를 위한 8개의, 대개 고전스타일로 만들어진 찬송가 편곡 모음) Heavenly Praise For Piano Trio
8 hymn arrangements in mostly classical style
~ 목 차 ~
1. Far Away in the Depths of My Spirit
2. Jesus Loves Me, This I Know
3. For the Beauty Of the Earth
4. `Tis so Sweet to Walk With Jesus
5. Angels We Have Heard on Highs (Christmas Medley)
6. There Shall be Showers of Blessing
7. All to Jesus I Surrender
8. Now to the King of Heav`n
편곡자 김명환
작곡가 Various
The Lord`s Prayer Op.35 For Violin and Piano / Op.37 Fuga For Violin Solo
하늘의 찬양 1 (바이올린과 피아노를 위한 찬양집) Heavenly Praise For Violin and Piano
하늘의 찬양 2 (바이올린과 피아노를 위한 찬양집) Heavenly Praise 2 for Violin and Piano
Vitali Chaconne in G minor for Violin and Piano
[절판] My Mother`s Bible for Piano Trio - 나의 사랑하는 책 Vol.1
소마 트리오3 "축복해요" for Violin, Cello and Piano
[절판]소마 트리오1 "주님께..." (개정판) for Violin, Cello and Piano