대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Virtuoso Cello Music / Elemer Lavotha, Bengt Ericson




출판사 BIS
포인트 300
상품상태 재고보유

Virtuoso Cello Music / Elemer Lavotha, Bengt Ericson

작 곡 가 : Various

연 주 자 : Elemer Lavotha(Cello), Kalmar Lans Chamber Orchestra, Jan-Olav Wedin(Conductor) / Bengt Ericson(Cello), Karin Langebo(harp)

악 기 : Cello

녹 음 상 태 : DDD

제 작 사 : BIS

레 이 블 : BIS

미 디 어 : CD

수 입 구 분 : 수입

1. Concerto in A major, Wq.172 (Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) - played by Elemer Lavotha

2. Pieces en concert for Cello and String orchestra (le Grand) (Francois Couperin) (Arr. Paul Bazelaire) - played by Elemer Lavotha

3. Concerto in D major for Cello and String orchestra (Luigi Boccherini) - played by Elemer Lavotha

4. Le Cygne (The Swan) from `Carnival of the Animals` for Cello and Harp (Camille Saint-Saens) - played by Bengt Ericson

5. Serenade for Cello and Harp (Gaspar Cassado) - played by Bengt Ericson

6. Sicilienne, Op.78 for Cello and Harp (Gabriel Faure) - played by Bengt Ericson

7. Elegie for Cello and Harp (Jules Massenet) (Arr. Jahn) - played by Bengt Ericson

8. Liebesleid for Cello and Harp (Fritz Kreisler) - played by Bengt Ericson

9. Nocturne for Cello and Harp (Marcel Tournier) - played by Bengt Ericson

지휘자 Wedin, Jan-Olav

작곡가 Boccherini, Luigi (1743-1805)


Bach,Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714-1788)

Couperin, Francois (1668-1733)


Cassado,Gaspar (1897-1966)

Faure, Gabriel (1845-1924)

Massenet, Jules (1842-1912)

Kreisler, Fritz (1875-1962)

Tournier, Marcel

음반사 BIS

오케스트라 Kalmar Lans Kammarorkester

연주자 Lavotha, Elemer (Cello)

Ericson, Bengt(cello)

Langebo, Karin(harp)