대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Grainger: The Warriors & Holst: The Planets / John Eliot Gardiner




출판사 Universal Music
포인트 300
상품상태 재고없음

Grainger: The Warriors & Holst: The Planets / John Eliot Gardiner

작 곡 가 : Percy Grainger, Gustav Holst

연 주 자 : Women`s Voices of the Monteverdi Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, John Eliot Gardiner(Conductor)

악 기 : Orchestra

녹 음 상 태 : DDD

제 작 사 : Universal Music

레 이 블 : Deutche Grammophon

미 디 어 : CD

수 입 구 분 : 수입

1. The Warriors (Percy Grainger)

2. The Planets, Op.32 : Mars, the Bringer of War (Gustav Holst)

3. The Planets, Op.32 : Venus, the Bringer of Peace (Gustav Holst)

4. The Planets, Op.32 : Mercury, the Winged Messenger (Gustav Holst)

5. The Planets, Op.32 : Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity (Gustav Holst)

6. The Planets, Op.32 : Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age (Gustav Holst)

7. The Planets, Op.32 : Uranus, the Magician (Gustav Holst)

8. The Planets, Op.32 : Neptune, the Mystic (Gustav Holst)

지휘자 Gardiner, John Eliot

작곡가 Holst, Gustav(1874-1934)

Grainger, Percy (1882-1961)


음반사 Deutsche Grammophon

오케스트라 Philharmonia Orchestra