Happy Present Meet
Bernstein: Mass / Leonard Bernstein (2CD)
작 곡 가 : Leonard Bernstein
연 주 자 : Berkshire Boys Choir, Norman Scribner Choir, Leonard Bernstein(Conductor)
악 기 : Vocal, Orchestra
녹 음 상 태 : ADD
제 작 사 : Sony Music
레 이 블 : Sony Classical
미 디 어 : CD
수 입 구 분 : 수입
CD 1
1. Mass : I. Devotions Before Mass : 1. Antiphone : Kyrie Eleison
2. Mass : I. Devotions Before Mass : 2. Hymn & Psalm : `A Simple Song`
3. Mass : I. Devotions Before Mass : 3. Responsory : Alleluia
4. Mass : II. Frist Introit (Rondo) : 1. Prefatory Prayers
5. Mass : II. Frist Introit (Rondo) : 2. Thrice - Triple Canon : Dominus Vobiscum
6. Mass : III. Second Introit : 1. In Nomine Patris
7. Mass : III. Second Introit : 2. Prayer for the Congregation (Chorale : `Almighty Father`)
8. Mass : III. Second Introit : 3. Epiphany
9. Mass : IV. Confession : 1. Confiteor
10. Mass : IV. Confession : 2. Trope : `I Don`t Know`
11. Mass : IV. Confession : 3. Trope : `Easy`
12. Mass : V. Meditation No. 1 : Orchestra Alone
13. Mass : VI. Gloria : 1. Gloria Tibi
14. Mass : VI. Gloria : 2. Gloria in Excelsis
15. Mass : VI. Gloria : 3. Trope : `Half of the People`
16. Mass : VI. Gloria : 4. Trope : `Thank You`
17. Mass : VII. Meditation No. 2 : Orchestra Alone
18. Mass : VIII. Epistle : `The World of the Lord`
19. Mass : IX. Gosepl - Sermon : `God Said`
CD 2
1. Mass : X. Credo : 1. Credo in Unum Deum
2. Mass : X. Credo : 2. Trope : `Non Credo`
3. Mass : X. Credo : 3. Trope : `Hurry`
4. Mass : X. Credo : 4. Trope : `World without End`
5. Mass : X. Credo : 5. Trope : `I Belive in God`
6. Mass : XI. Meditation No.33 : (De Profundis, Part 1)
7. Mass : XII. Offertory : (De Profundis, Part 2)
8. Mass : XIII. The Lord`s Prayer : 2. Trope; `I Go On`
9. Mass : XIV. Sanctus : `Holy! Holy! Holy!...`
10. Mass : XV. Agnus De! : `Agnus Del...`
11. Mass : XVI. Fraction : `Things Get Broken`
보컬 The Berkshire Boy Choir
The Norman Scribner Choir
지휘자 Bernstein, Leonaerd
작곡가 Bernstein, L(1918-1990)
음반사 Sony Classical