대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

French Operatic Arias for Bass Voice and Piano




출판사 Peters Editions
포인트 1,800
상품상태 재고보유

French Operatic Arias for Bass Voice and Piano

19th Century Repertoire Album

Instrumentation: Low voice - Pf

Complete with translations and guidance on pronunciation

As every singer and lover of French opera knows, editions of even the best-known French operatic arias are difficult ? and sometimes expensive ? to obtain. Roger Nichols` scrupulously balanced selection of 19th-century French arias provides the perfect starting point for widerexploration. Nichols, who has championed French music in his writings, talks and radiobroadcasts over three decades with eloquence and scholarship, is the ideal guide to this repertoire which, even today, is often neglected, misunderstood or inadequately performed.

Berlioz Certain rat dans une cuisine (La damnation de Faust)

Bizet Quand la flame de l’amour (La jolie fille de Perth)

Debussy Maintenant que le pere de Pelleas est sauve (Pelleas et Melisande)

Gounod Le veau d’or (Faust)

Gounod Vous qui faites l’endormie (Faust)

Gounod Le grand art de cuisine (La colombe)

Gounod Sous les pieds d’une femme (La reine de Saba)

Gounod Au bruit des Lourdes narteaux (Philemon et Baucis)

Masse Tristes amours! (Galathee)

Massenet Comment peut-on penser (Don Quichotte)

Massenet Je suis le chevalier errant (Don Quichotte)

Massenet Il a fait noblement (Le Cid)

Massenet Qu’on est digne d’envie (Le Cid)

Meyerbeer O jours heureux (L’etoile du nord)

Meyerbeer Piff, paff (Les Huguenots)

Saint-Saens Fatal orgueil des rois (Henry VIII)

Saint-Saens Ce Dieu que votre voix implore (Samson et Dalila)

Thomas Je t’implore (Hamlet)

Verdi Elle ne m’aime pas (Don Carlos)

Verdi Et toi, Palerme (Les vepres siciliennes)

편곡자 Nichols,Roger

작곡가 Various

Gounod, Charles (1818-1893)

Berlioz, Hector (1803-1869)

Bizet, Georges (1838-1875)

Debussy, Achille Claude (1862-1918)

Masse, Victor

Massenet, Jules (1842-1912)

Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1791-1864)


Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901)
