대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Montsalvatge Sonatine pour Yvette for Piano Solo




출판사 Salabert
포인트 700
상품상태 재고보유

Montsalvatge Sonatine pour Yvette for Piano Solo


Xavier Montsalvatge (1912–2002) was a prolific composer who drew his inspiration from a variety of sources, some Catalan, some Latin, most notably: his fondness for the Groupe des Six, Stravinsky’s rhythms, his admiration for Ravel and his interactions with Olivier Messiaen. His Sonatine pour Yvette, written in 1962, which shows clear post-impressionist influences, with a level of virtuosity reminiscent of Liszt, is dedicated to Gonzalo Soriano, one of the greatest pianists of the 20th century. Its title evokes the name of the composer’s daughter, Yvette. Introduction and notes on interpretation in French and English by Florence Ribot.

작곡가 Montsalvatge, Xavier