대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Part Hymn to a Great City for 2 Pianos 4 Hands




출판사 Universal Edition
포인트 900
상품상태 재고없음

Part Hymn to a Great City for 2 Pianos 4 Hands

Difficulty: intermediate

Premiere: Kirche Lockenhaus / Austria by Johannes and Eduard Kutrowatz. With Standard notation.

Composed 1984/2004

The name of the city referred to in the title of this miniature is not clear, although it was initially associated with New York when it premiered there. (Alice Tully Hall New York - Joel Sachs and Cheryl Seltzer)

The composer left many of the questions unanswered which he had posed in connection with the work, causing him to withdraw it after the world premiere and leave it untouched until 1999. That was the year in which his creative dialogue and intensive work with pianists Johannes and Eduard Kutrowatz induced him to take up the Hymn to a Great City again, adding to it the maturity which, according to Pärt, would justify its reintegration into the concert repertoire. (Translation Copyright © 2012 by Grant Chorley)

이 미니어처의 제목에 언급된 도시의 이름은 명확하지 않지만, 처음 초연 당시 뉴욕과 연관되어 있었습니다. (뉴욕 앨리스 툴리 홀 - 조엘 삭스와 셰릴 셀처)

작곡가는 작품과 관련하여 제기한 많은 질문에 답하지 않은 채 남겨두었고, 이로 인해 세계 초연 이후 이 작품을 철회하고 1999년까지 그대로 두었습니다. Eduard Kutrowatz는 그에게 <대도시 찬송가>를 다시 부르도록 유도했고, Pärt에 따르면 찬송가가 콘서트 레퍼토리로 재통합되는 것을 정당화할 성숙함을 더했습니다. (Grant Chorley의 번역 저작권 © 2012)

작곡가 Part, Arvo