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Happy Present Meet

[CD] Test Pieces for Orchestral Auditions - Flute (Piccolo)




출판사 Peters Editions
포인트 1,100
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[CD] Test Pieces for Orchestral Auditions - Flute (Piccolo)

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Test Pieces for Orchestral Auditions - Flute (Piccolo)

Composed by Coll.

Orchestral Excerpts.

Play Along.

Accompaniment CD only.

Music Partner CD

(2CD set) CDs only. (These orchestral recordings present the complete excerpt, and the specific instrument is not omitted.) For corresponding sheet music anthology see EP 8659

Piccolo excerpts from:

Beethoven - Symphony No 9

Bizet - Carmen

Delibes - Coppelia

Henze - Nachtstucke und Arien

Hindemith - Nobilissima Visione

Janacek - Sinfonietta

Mozart - Magic Flute

Orff - Die Kluge

Ravel - Piano Concerto in G major, Ma Mere L`Oye,

Rapsodie espagnole, Daphnis & Chloe (2nd Suite)

Rimsky-Korsakov - Scheherazade

Rossini - Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Semiramide, La Gazza Ladra,

La Scala di seta

Shostakovich - Symphony No 9

Smetana - The Bartered Bride

Johann Strauss - Die Fledermaus

Tchaikovsky - Symphony No.4

Verdi - Il Trovatore, Otello, Falstaff

Wagner - Das Rheingold, Die Walkure

Flute excerpts from:

Bach - St Matthew Passion

Bartok - Concerto for Orchestra

Beethoven - Symphony No. 3,Overture: Leonore No 3

Bizet - L`Arlesienne Suite No 2, Carmen

Brahms - Symphonies 1 & 4

Busoni - Dr Faust

Debussy - Prelude a l`apres midi d`un faune

Delibes - Coppelia

Dvorak - Symphonies 8 & 9

Gluck - Orfeo ed Euridice

Hindemith - Symphonic Metamorphosis

Kodaly - Dances from Galanta

Mahler - Symphony No 9

Mendelssohn - Midsummer Night`s Dream

Mozart - Magic Flute, Don Giovanni

Prokofiev - Peter and the Wolf

Ravel - Bolero, Daphnis & Chloe (2nd Suite)

Reznicek - Donna Diana

Rossini - Guillaume Tell, Il Barbiere di Sivigla, La Gazza Ladra

Saint-Saens - Carnival of the Animals

Schumann - Symphony No 1

Smetana - The Bartered Bride

Richard Strauss - Till Eulenspiegel, Tod und Verklarung,

Domestica, Salome, Josephs Legend, Der Rosenkavalier

Stravinsky - Jeu de cartes, Petroushka, Dumbarton Oaks

Thomas - Mignon

Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake

Verdi - Aida, Rigoletto, Falstaff

Wagner - Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg, Gotterdammerung

작곡가 Various

Beethoven, Ludwig Van (1770-1827)

Bizet, Georges (1838-1875)

Delibes, Leo (1836-1891)

Henze, Hans Werner (1926- )

Hindemith, Paul (1895-1963)

Janacek, Leos (1854-1928)

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus(1756-1791)

Orff, Carl

Ravel, Maurice(1875-1937)

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai(1844-1908)

Rossini, Gloacchino(1792-1868)

Smetana, Bedrich (1824-1884)

Strauss, Johann (1804-1849)

Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich

Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901)

Wagner, Richard (1813-1883)

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)

Bartok, Bela (1881-1945)

Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897)

Busoni, Ferruccio (1866-1924)

Debussy, Achille Claude (1862-1918)

Dvorak, Antonin

Gluck, Christophe Willibald (1714-1787)

Kodaly, Zoltan (1882-1967)

Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847)

Prokofiev, Sergei(1891-1953)

Reznicek, Emil Von

Saint-Saens, Camille(1835-1921)

Schumann, Robert(1810-1856)

Strauss, Richard (1864-1949)

Stravinsky, Igor (1882-1971)

Thomas, Ambroise