Happy Present Meet
Bach 15 Bass Arias from Cantatas for Voice and Piano
Instrumentation: Low voice - Pf
Details: (Ger.)
"Doch weichet, ihr tollen vergeblichen Sorgen" A major from Cantata BWV 8
"Achzen und erbarmlich Weinen" G min from Cantata BWV 13
"An irdische Schatze das Herze zu hangen" E min from Cantata BWV 26
"Gute Nacht, du Weltgetummel" G min from Cantata BWV 27
"Hollische Schlange, wird dir nicht bange" D min from Cantata BWV 40
"Dein Wetter zog sich auf von weiten" B major from Cantata BWV 46
"Lasset dem Hochsten ein Danklied erschallen" D major from Cantata BWV 66
"Seligster Erqickungstag" C major from Cantata BWV 70
"Herr, so du willt" C min from Cantata BWV 73
"Schweig, aufgeturmtes Meer" E min from Cantata BWV 81
"Schlummert ein, ihr matten Augen" Eb major from Cantata BWV 82
"Begluckte Herde, Jesu Schafe" D major from Cantata BWV 104
"Auf, auf, mit hellem Schall" D major from Cantata BWV 128
"Merke, mein Herze, bestandig nur dies" D major from Cantata BWV 145
"Es ist vollbracht" B major from Cantata BWV 159
작곡가 Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
Bach Sacred Songs and Arias High Voice and Piano
Bach Sacred Songs and Arias Low Voice and Piano
Mendelssohn 20 Selected Songs for Medium Voice and Piano
[특가상품] Arie Antiche Italiane Vol.1 for Midium Voice and Piano
[특가상품] Arie Antiche Italiane Vol.2 for Medium Voice and Piano