Happy Present Meet
Elementary Training for Musicians (Hindemith)
음악가를 위한 초급용 시창과 청음
Quarter-notes, half-notes, and whole-notes (and rests)
High, medium, and low tones
2/4 and 4/4 meters
G-clef, and tones f`, g`, a`, b`
Eighth-notes and sixteenth-notes
Tones e` and c`
3/4 meter, dotted half-notes, ties
Tones d` and c`; octave; ledger lines; one- and two-lined octaves
Slurs; syllable division; up-beats; dynamic accents
Dotted quarter- and eighth-notes (and rests)
Small octave; major scale; # and natural; diatonic and chromatic half-tones; key signatures
Time-signatures of simple meters having the denominators 1, 2, 8, and 16; indications for slow and moderate tempi; brevis and dotted whole-notes
Three- and four-lined octaves; b
Double-dotted notes (and rests); thirty-second- and sixty-fourth-notes; indications for fast tempi
Bass clef; great octave; intervals; perfect fifth and fourth; inversions
Metric accents; meter and rhythm; cundoctors` patterns for beating time; syncopation; compound meters
Contra octrave and sub-contra octave; major and minor thirds and sixths; transposition
Triplets and other divisions by factors not implied in the time-signatures
Major and minor seconds and sevenths
Indications for changing tempi
Meters with signatures having the numerators 5, 7, etc. and corresponding patterns for beating time
Alto clef; augmented and diminished intervals; prime or unson; x and bb; enharmonic transcription; circle of fifths, circle of fourths
Indications of dynamics and expressions
Musical Form
Tenor clef; intervals exceeding the octave; doubly diminshed or augmented intervals; minor scale (all forms); Church Modes; relative major and minor; signatures of minor keys
Abbreviations; rests longer than one measure; ornaments; marks of articulation; chromatic scale
Preface to Part Two
Dictations (incl. discussion of "absolute pitch")
저자 Hindemith