대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Nono Il Canto Sospeso (중단된노래) for Study score




출판사 Eulenburg Inc.
포인트 2,400
상품상태 재고없음

Nono Il Canto Sospeso (중단된노래) for Study score

Cantata (Brieftexte europäischer Widerstandskämpfer)

Cantata (letter texts by European resistance fighters)

칸타타(유럽 저항군이 쓴 편지)

for Soprano, Contralto and Tenor Soli, Mixed Chorus and Orchestra

instrumentation : 4 (auch PiccFl).2.2.B-Klar.2 - - Pk (3 Sp.), Schlgz - Hfn - Cel - Str

Instrumentation: soloists (SAT), mixed choir (SSAATTBB) and orchestra

- Preface

- Vorwort

- Editorial Notes

- 2 Faksimile des Autographs

- Il Canto Sospeso

- Appendix: Italienische Texte mit Ubersetzung

Language: Italian • German

Difficulty: difficult

Performance duration: 28' 0"

Uraufführung : 24. Oktober 1956 Großer Sendesaal des WDR in Köln

초연: 1956년 10월 24일 쾰른 WDR의 대형 방송 홀

Year of composition: 1955 - 1956

작곡가 Nono,Luigi