대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Feuillard Daily Exercises for Cello Solo




출판사 Schott
포인트 800
상품상태 재고보유

Feuillard Daily Exercises for Cello Solo

포이야드 첼로 매일 연습곡집

Exercises for the left hand and bow. Trills, Scales, Arpeggios, Double stopping etc.

1st Part: Exercises in the neck positions

2nd Part: Exercises in the whole compass of the cello

3rd Part: Exercises in the thumb positions

4th Part: Double stopping

5th Part: Bowing Exercises

Examples from each of the five parts should be studied daily. The exercises should be practised slowly at first gradually increasing the speed. Care should be taken that they are played very evenly

작곡가 Feuillard, Louis R.