대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

The Techniques of Bassoon Playing (Die Spieltechnik der basson) (with CD)




출판사 Barenreiter
포인트 3,400
상품상태 재고없음

The Techniques of Bassoon Playing (Die Spieltechnik der basson) (with CD)

2 Audio-CDs

Language(s) of work

English, German, French

Die Spieltechnik des Fagotts / La technique du basson

Additional information on this title


1. Einleitung/Introduction/Introduction

2. Traditionelle Effekte und neue Klange/Traditional Effects and

Current Sounds/Effets traditionnels et sons actuels

3. Spektrale Effekte/Spectral Effects/Effets spectraux

4. Perkussive Effekte/Percussive Effects/Effets percussifs

5. Effekt ohne Rohr/Effects Without the Reed/Effets sans anche

6. Vibrato/Vibrato/Vibrato

7. Luftgerausch/Air Noise/Bruits avec l

작곡가 Gallois, Pascal

저자 Gallois, Pascal