대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Saint-Saens The Carnival of the Animals for Organ Solo




출판사 Schott
포인트 800
상품상태 재고보유

Saint-Saens The Carnival of the Animals for Organ Solo

Difficulty: intermediate - advanced

No.1 Introduction et Marche Royale du Lion / Introduction and the Lion’s Royal March /

Einleitung und königlicher Marsch des Löwen

No.2 Poules et Coqs / Hens and Cockerels / Hühner und Hähne

No.3 Hémiones (Animaux véloces) / Wild Asses / Wilde Esel

No.4 Tortues / Tortoises / Schildkröten

No.5 L’Éléphant / The Elephant / Der Elefant

No.6 Kangourous / Kangaroos / Känguruhs

No.7 Aquarium / Das Aquarium

No.8 Personnages à longues oreilles / Long-Eared Persons /

Persönlichkeiten mit langen Ohren

No.9 Le Coucou au fond des bois / The Cuckoo in the Depths of the Forest /

Der Kuckuck, tief im Walde

No.10 Volière / Aviary / Das Vogelhaus

No.11 Pianistes [Organistes] / Pianists [Organists] / Die Pianisten [Die Organisten]

No.12 Fossiles / Fossils / Die Fossilien

No.13 Le Cygne / The Swan / Der Schwan

No.14 Final / Finale

작곡가 Saint-Saens, Camille(1835-1921)