대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Liszt Piano Pieces from the Years 1880-85




출판사 Barenreiter
포인트 1,000
상품상태 재고보유

Liszt Piano Pieces from the Years 1880-85

Romance oubliée (Vergessene Romanze) / Romance oubliée (Forgotten Romance)

Vergessene Romanze (Romance oubliée) / Forgotten Romance (Romance oubliée)

Wiegenlied (Chant du berceau) / Cradle Song (Chant du berceau)

Unstern! (Sinistre) / Disaster! (Sinister)

Die Trauer-Gondel (La lugubre gondola)

The Funeral Gondola (La lugubre gondola) (S 200/1)

Die Trauer-Gondel (La lugubre gondola)

The Funeral Gondola (La lugubre gondola) (S 200/2)

R. W. – Venezia

Am Grabe Richard Wagners / At the Grave of Richard Wagner

Frage und Antwort. Nocturne / Question and Answer. Nocturne

Schlaflos! Frage und Antwort. Nocturne (nach einem Gedicht von Toni Raab)

Sleepless! Question and Answer. Nocturne (after a Poem by Toni Raab)

Trübe Wolken (Nuages gris) / Gloomy Clouds (Nuages gris)

En rêve. Nocturne / In a Dream. Nocturne

작곡가 Liszt, Franz (1811-1886)

에디터 Kube, Michael