Happy Present Meet
[절판]Leavitt Missa Festiva - Festival Mass - SATB
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Choral Worship Cantata
LEVEL: Moderately Difficult
Portions of this stunning setting of the Mass are already well-known. Using the previously composed Kyrie, Festival Sanctus and Agnus Dei as pivotal points, John`s powerful settings of the Gloria and Credo round out the Mass setting with strength and dignity. A wonderful addition to any school or church library. Perform with piano accompaniment or chamber orchestra.
1. Kyrie
2. Gloria
3. Credo
4. Sanctus
5. Agnus Dei
작곡가 Leavitt, John
Rutter Gloria (SATB) (Vocal Score)
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Beethoven Symphonies Nos.5,6 and 7 for Full Score
[절판]Mozart Missa in C major K.317 "Coronation Mass" (Vocal Score)
Haydn London Symphonies No.99-104 for Full Score
Bass Guitar Tablature Manuscript Paper - Purple Cover
Carta Standard Paper No.9 오선노트
Verdi Il Trovatore Act II, Coro (Anvil Chorus): Vedi! le fosche (대장간의 합창) (Vocal Score)