대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

The Remington Warm up Studies for Trombone




출판사 Accura Music
포인트 800
상품상태 재고없음

The Remington Warm-up Studies for Trombone

-An annotated collection of the famous daily routine developed

by The Chief, Emory B. Remington. 63 of the studies

used to train some of the world`s finest trombonists. Dr.

Hunsberger also includes the text of inteviews he conducted

with The Chief before his death. Remington talks about his

singing style, the correct way to tongue, a concept of sound,

flexibility, a legato approach, security in the high register,

and relaxation. Also contains 12 diatonic pattern scales, a

Sample Routine, and an index.-

작곡가 Remington, Emery

에디터 Hunsberger, Donald