대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) - Hardcover




출판사 W.W. Norton
포인트 4,000
상품상태 재고없음

A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) - Hardcover

그라우트 서양음악사 8판 원본

J. Peter Burkholder (Author, Indiana University),

Donald Jay Grout (Author, late of Cornell University),

Claude V. Palisca (Author, late of Yale University)

The Eighth Edition of A History of Western Music is a vivid, accessible, and richly contextual view of music in Western culture.

Building on his monumental revision of the Seventh Edition, Peter Burkholder has refined an inspired narrative for a new generation of students, placing people at the center of the story. The narrative of A History of Western Music naturally focuses on the musical works, styles, genres, and ideas that have proven most influential, enduring, and significant?but it also encompasses a wide range of music, from religious to secular, from serious to humorous, from art music to popular music, and from Europe to the Americas. With a six-part structure emphasizing the music’s reception and continued influence, Burkholder’s narrative establishes a social and historical context for each repertoire to reveal its legacy and its significance today.


Book Preview

Editorial Advisory Board


Guide to Recordings

Preface to the Eighth Edition

Part One: The Ancient and Medieval Worlds

1. Music in Antiquity

2. The Christian Church in the First Millennium

3. Roman Liturgy and Chant

4. Song and Dance Music in the Middle Ages

5. Polyphony through the Thirteenth Century

6. French and Italian Music in the Fourteenth Century

Part Two: The Renaissance

7. Music and the Renaissance

8. England and Burgundy in the Fifteenth Century

9. Franco-Flemish Composers, 1450?1520

10. Sacred Music in the Era of the Reformation

11. Madrigal and Secular Song in the Sixteenth Century

12. The Rise of Instrumental Music

Part Three: The Seventeenth Century

13. New Styles in the Seventeenth Century

14. The Invention of Opera

15. Music for Chamber and Church in the Early Seventeenth Century

16. France, England, Spain, and the New World in the Seventeenth Century

17. Italy and Germany in the Late Seventeenth Century

Part 4: The Eighteenth Century

18. The Early Eighteenth Century in Italy and France

19. German Composers of the Late Baroque

20. Musical Taste and Style in the Enlightenment

21. Opera and Vocal Music in the Early Classic Period

22. Instrumental Music: Sonata, Symphony, and Concerto at Midcentury

23. Classical Music in the Late Eighteenth Century

Part Five: The Nineteenth Century

24. Revolution and Change

25. The Romantic Generation: Song and Piano Music

26. Romanticism in Classic Forms: Orchestral, Chamber, and Choral Music

27. Romantic Opera and Musical Theater to Midcentury

28. Opera and Musical Theater in the Later Nineteenth Century

29. Late Romanticism in Germany and Austria

30. Diverging Traditions in the Later Nineteenth Century

Part Six: The Twentieth Century and After

31. The Early Twentieth Century

32. Modernism and the Classical Tradition

33. Between the World Wars: Jazz and Popular Music

34. Between the World Wars: The Classical Tradition

35. Postwar Crosscurrents

36. Music since 1970


For Further Reading


저자 Grout D.J & Palisca C.V