대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Perspectives on Musical Aesthetics




출판사 W.W. Norton
포인트 900
상품상태 재고보유

Perspectives on Musical Aesthetics


1. Introduction ;: The aesthetics of perspectives

- Aesthetic theory -

2. Ritual sacrifice and the political economy of music

3. Language for one, language for all

4. Art and Entertainment

5. What is valualble in art, and can music still achieve it?

6. The beginning and end of esthetic form

- Contemporary music and the public

7. Contemporary music and the public

8. Are you serious?

9. Recent ideas and activties of James K. Randall and Benjamin Boretz : A new social role for music

10. Interface I-V : Texts and commentaries on Music and life

11-1. Commentary : The barrytown orchestra on hunger day, november 15, 1984

11-2. Thoughts in reply to boulez/Foucault : "Contemporary music and the public"

11-3. Relevance. Liberation

11-4. On thinking about various issues induced by the problem of discovering that one is not a `Composer`, and that the space which one ingabits musically is not `America`

11-5. The Inner studio(Strategies for retrieving reality in music experience and practice)

- In Being A Composer -

12. On having been and still being an American composer

13. Tokyo lecture and three mesostics

14. Creativity

15. Composing music

- Environment, Consciousness, and Magic

16. Speculations : on the evolutionary continuity of music and animal communication behavior

17. Four texts

18. On the role of affect in artficial intelligence and music

19. Environment, consciousness, and Magic : An interview with david dunn

- Music and Literature

20. Joyce`s critique of music

21. Symposium : The Nature of music

21-1. Music and Emotion

21-2. Poetry as imitaion

21-3. Music as imitaiton

22. For a friend

23. LA

- The Survival of Aesthetics -

24. The Survival of Aesthetics : Books by Boulez, Delio, Rochberg

25. Response to Blaustein

26. Open structure and the problem of criticism : Reflections on Delio`s Circumscribes the open universe

27. About the authors.

역자 Rahn, John

저자 Various