대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Songs by 22 Americans for Low Voice and Piano




출판사 Schirmer, G.
포인트 1,300
상품상태 재고보유

Songs by 22 Americans for Low Voice and Piano

A Piper (Duke)

American Lullaby (Rich)

Bird Of The Wilderness (Creston)

By A Lonely Frst Pathway(Griffes )

De Glory Road (Wolfe)

Do Not Go, My Love ( Richard Hageman )

Into the Night (Edwards)

Lament Of Ian The Proud(Griffes)

Love In The Dictionary(Dougherty )

Loveliest Of Trees (Duke)

Manhattan Joy Ride (Sargent)

Night ( Edwin McArthur )

O Lovely World (Charles)

Ol` Jim (Edwards)

Once A Lady Was Here (P.Bowles)

Pasture, The (Naginski)

Plum Pudding (Bernstein)

Preciosilla (Thomson)

Primavera (Dougherty)

Sea Moods (Tyson)

Serenade (Carpenter)

Snow Toward Evening (Warren)

Sure On Ths Shining Night(Barber )

Sussex Sailor, The (Charles)

That s Life ( John Sacco )

This Little Rose ( William Roy )

Upstream (Malotte)

편곡자 Taylor,B

작곡가 Duke, J

Edwards, Clara

Barber, Samuel (1910-1982)

Bernstein, L(1918-1990)

Bowles, Paul

Carpenter, John Alden (1876-1951)

Charles, Ernest

Creston, Paul (1906-1985)

Dougherty, Celius

Griffes,Charles Tomnson

Hageman, Richard

McArthur, Edwin

Malotte, Albert H

Naginski, Charles

Rich, Gladys

Roy, William

Sacco, John

Sargent, Paul

Thomson, Virgil

Tyson, Mildred Lund

Warren, Elinor Remick

Wolfe, Jacques
