대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

[특가상품] New Anthology of American Song for High Voice and Piano




출판사 Schirmer, G.
포인트 500
상품상태 재고보유

[특가상품] New Anthology of American Song for High Voice and Piano

25 Songs by native American composers

Barber, Samuel

The Daisies Op.2, No. 1

Beach, Mrs.H. H. A

Meadow-Larks Op.78, No.1 (악보에는 Op.79로 표기되어있습니다.)

Cadman, Charles Wakefield

A Moonlight Song Op.42, No.2


The Crying of Water (Le Cri des Eaux)

Carpenter, John Alden

Looking-Glass River

Charles, Ernest

And So, Goodbye

Crist, Bainbridge

Knock on the Door

Deis, Carl

A Lover`s Lament

Farwell, Arthur

On a Faded Violet Op.43, No.2

Griffes, Charles T

The Lament of Ian the Proud Op.11, No.1

Guion, David W

Mary Alone

Hadley, Henry

The rose-leaves are falling like rain (Il Pleut des petales de fleurs) Op.49, No.2

Homer, Sidney

Down Bye Street

Horsman, Edward

The Bird of the Wilderness

Kingsford, Charles


Kramer, A. Walter

I Have seen Dawn Op.48, No.1

La Forge, Frank

Retreat (Schlufwinkel)

Malotte, Albert Hay

The Homing Heart

Manning, Kathleen Lockhart


Powell, John

Heartsease Op.8, No.2

Spalding, Albert

The Rock of Rubies

Still, William Grant

The Breath of a Rose

Stillman-Kelley, Edgar

Eldorado Op.8, No.1

Watts, Wintter

Wings of Night

Woodman, R. Huntington

I am thy harp

작곡가 Various

Barber, Samuel (1910-1982)

Beach, A.M.C(1867-1944)

Cadman, Charles Wakefield


Carpenter, John Alden (1876-1951)

Charles, Ernest

Crist, Bainbridge

Deis, Carl

Farwell, Arthur

Griffes,Charles Tomnson

Guion, David

Hadley, Henry

Homer, Sidney

Horsman, Edward

Kingsford, Charles

Kramer, A. Walter

La Forge

Malotte, Albert H

Manning, Kathleen Lockhart

Robert J Powell

Spalding, Albert

Still, William Grant (1895-1978)

Stillman-Kelley, Edgar

Watts, Wintter

Woodman, R. Huntington