대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Old and New Duets Vol.1 for 2 Flutes




출판사 Masters Music Pubilcations
포인트 800
상품상태 재고없음

Old and New Duets Vol.1 for 2 Flutes

Edited : Pretzsch,Willi & List, Erich

1. Five small Duets - Furstenau

2. Four Duets - Hugot - Wunderlich

3. Two Old French Pieces :

a. G. Chinzer-Bordet : La Chasse

b. Legoux-Bordet : Musette

4. Four Small Duets - Furstenau

5. Theme with Variations - Muller

6. Romanze - Dietter

7. Allegro and Menuet - Beethoven

8. Duet in G - Stamitz

9. Pieces by Old French Masters of the Flute :

a. Bordet : Tambourins

b. Naudot : Two Gavottes

c. Bordet : Tambourins des Troqueurs

d. Le Loup : Srabande

e. Hotteterre : Le Fargis sur les delices

10. Four Canons - Geissler

11. Two Duets - Matz

12. Two Fantasies - di Lasso

13. Fugue - Finger

편곡자 Pretzsch,Willi

List, Erich


작곡가 Various

Furstenau, Anton-Bernhard (1792-1852)

Hugot, A

Wunderlich, J.G.

Muller, August Eberhard

Dietter, Chr. L.

Beethoven, Ludwig Van (1770-1827)

Stamitz,Carl (1745-1801)

Naudot, J. Ch.

Hotteterre, Jacques

Geissler, F.

Matz, A

Lasso, O.D. (1532-1594)

Finger, G.