대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

[특가상품] Wine, Women and Song: Student`s Songs of The Middle Ages




출판사 Dover Publications
포인트 200
상품상태 재고보유

[특가상품] Wine, Women and Song: Student`s Songs of The Middle Ages



1. On the Order of Wandering Students

2. On the Decay of the Order

3. A Wandering Student`s Petition

4. A Song of the Open Road

5. The Confession of Golias

6. Welcome to Spring

7. The Lover and The Nightingale

8. The Invitation to Youth

9. The Example of the Rose

10. The Vow to Cupid

11. A-Maying

12. The Return of Spring

13. The Sweetness of the Spring

14. The Suit to Phyllis

15. Modest Love

16. The Serenade To Flower-o`-The-Thorn

17. The Love-Letter in Spring

18. A Spring Ditty

19. Love-Doubts

20. The Village Dance

21. Love Among The Maidens

22. At The Village Dance

23. Invitation To The Dance

24. A Pastoral

25. The Mulberry-Gatherer

26. The Wooing

27. A Descaant Upon Sleep and Love

28. Flora and Phyllis (Part 1)

29. Flora and Phyllis (Part 3)

30. Flos Florae

31. A Bird`s Song of Love

32. To Lydia

33. A Poem of Privacy

34. Flora

35. The Lover`s Monologue

36. The Invitation to Love

37. Phyllis

38. Love Longings

39. The Lover`s Vow

40. Farewell to the Faithless

41. Gretchen

42. Adieu to the Valley

43. The Lover`s Parting

44. In Articulo Mortis

45. A Sequence in Praise of Wine

46. A Carol of Wine

47. The Students` Wine-Bout

48. Time`s A-Flying

49. There`s No Lust Like to Poetry

50. Wine and Venus

51. The Contest of Wine and Water

52. Bacchic Frenzy

53. The Lament of The Roast Swan

54. The Will Of The Dying Ass

55. The Abbot Of Cockaigne

56. Death Takes All

57. Autumn Years

58. Vanitas Vanitatum

59. On Contempt for The World

60. Gaudeamus Igitur


저자 Symonds, John Eddington