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Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

[특가상품] Busoni Complete Elegies, the Six Sonatinas and Other Original Works




출판사 Dover Publications
포인트 500
상품상태 재고보유

[특가상품] Busoni Complete Elegies, the Six Sonatinas and Other Original Works

"STUCKE, Op. 33b"


1. Schwermut ? Melancholy

2. Fohsinn ? Gaiety

3. Scherzino ? Little sherzo

4. Fantasia in modo antico ? Fantasy in olden style

5. Finnische Ballade ? Finnish ballad

6. "Exeunt omnes" ? "All depart"

ELEGIEN: Sieben neue Klavierstucke

[Elegies: Seven new piano pieces]

1. Nach der Wendung ? After the turning

2. All`Italia! (in modo napolitano) ? To Italy! (in Neapolitan style)

3. "Meine Seele bangt und hoft zu Dir" ? "My soul fears and hopes in You" (Choral prelude)"

4. Turandots Faruengemach ? Turandot`s room (Intermezzo)

5. Die Nachtlichen ? The Nocturnals (Waltz)

6. Erscheinung ? Apparition (Nocturne)

7. Berceuse ? Lullaby


Fantasia nach Johann Sebastian Bach

[Fantasy after J. S. Bach]

"Fantasia Contrappuntistica (3rd, final version)"

[Contrapuntal fantasy]


Vier Klavierstudien uber Motive de Rothaute Amerikas

[Indian Diary: Four piano studies on American Indian motifs]

1. "Allegretto affettuoso, un poco agitato"

2. Vivace

3. Andante

4. Maestoso ma andando


Sonatina [No. 1]

Sonatina Seconda

[Second sonatina]

Sonatina [No. 3] ad usum infantis Madeline M.* Americanae

"[...for the use of the American "princess" Madeline M.]"

1. Molto tranquillo

2. Andantino melancolico

3. Vivace (alla Marcia)

4. Molto tranquillo

5. Polonaise

Sonatina [No. 4] in diem nativitatis Christi MCMXVII

[...on the day of Christ`s birth]

Sonatina brevis [Sonatina No. 5]

in Signo Joannis Sebastiani Magni`

[Short sonatina `in the sign of the great Johann Sebastian` - a free imitation of Bach`s Little Fantasy and Fugue in D Minor]

"Kammer-Fantasie uber Bizets "Carmen" [Sonatina No.6]"

"[Chamber-Fantasy on Bizet`s "Carmen"]"

작곡가 Busoni, Ferruccio (1866-1924)