대한음악사 로고

Sheet Music

Happy Present Meet

Liszt Thirty Songs for High Voice and Piano




출판사 Dover Publications
포인트 800
상품상태 재고보유

Liszt Thirty Songs for High Voice and Piano

1. The Fisherboy (Der Fischerknabe)

2. The Herdsman (Der Hirt)

3. The Alpine Hunter (Der Alpenjager)

4. "Breathe gently, my song (Kling leise, mein Lied)"

5. Angel fair with golden hair (Angiolin dal biondo crin)

6. A wondrous rapture must it be (Es muss ein Wunderbares sein)

7. The Violet (Das Veilchen)

8. The King of Thule (Der Konig von Thule)

9. O thou who from heaven art (Der du von dem Himmel bist)

10. Mignon`s Song (Mignon`s Lied)

11. The Loreley (Die Lorelei)

12. "In the Rhine, that noble river (Im Rhein, im schonen Strome)"

13. O in my dreams (Oh! quand je dors)

14. If I knew a meadow fair (S`il est un charmant gazon)

15. "My child, were I a king (Enfant, si j`etais Roi)"

16. "O how," murmured he (Comment, disaient-ils)"

17. The winds of the autumn (Es rauschen die Winde)

18. Take of the sun its radiance (Nimm einen Strahl der Sonne)

19. The Ancestral Tomb (Die Vatergruft)

20. "Gaze upon me, eyes of azure (Schwebe, schwebe, blaues Auge)"

21. Thou art lovely as a flower (Du bist wie eine Blume)

22. In northern land a pine-tree (Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam)

23. Joyful and woeful (Freudvoll und leidvoll)

24. Wanderer`s Night Song (Wanderers Nachtlied)

25. Could I once again caress thee (Wieder mocht ich dir begegnen)

26. Let me linger (Lasst mich ruhen)

27. In love`s delight (In Liebeslust)

28. I love but thee (Ich liebe dich)

29. Departure (Ich scheide)

30. The Three Gipsies (Die drei Zigeuner)

편곡자 Armbruster, Carl

작곡가 Liszt, Franz (1811-1886)